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January 27, 2008


Michel Bauwens

Interesting post. But how do you account for the fact that the for-profit sector is in fact not voluntary at all: i.e. controlled by shareholders, people who work there have to do so to make a living, and the internal structure is one of command; as for the public sector, its aims are chosen, in democratic systems, through elections. So calling the private sector voluntary and the public sector coercive would seem simplifications. Moreover, many NGO's have the same kind of command and control structures internally.

The true voluntary sector can only be based on peer production and governance, see http://p2pfoundation.net


Michel Bauwens

Interesting post. But how do you account for the fact that the for-profit sector is in fact not voluntary at all: i.e. controlled by shareholders, people who work there have to do so to make a living, and the internal structure is one of command; as for the public sector, its aims are chosen, in democratic systems, through elections. So calling the private sector voluntary and the public sector coercive would seem simplifications. Moreover, many NGO's have the same kind of command and control structures internally.

The true voluntary sector can only be based on peer production and governance, see http://p2pfoundation.net


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I like to call this the "purpose-driven voluntary sector," as distinct from (a) the profit-driven voluntary sector


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