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March 30, 2009



Given the era, it might be considered somewhat progressive to require a reason beyond expedience to seek vengeance, though the concept of collective versus individual responsibility is not, of course, very developed. On the other hand, it's possible the contemporary Greeks, Phonicians etc. were as morally advanced. I don't know.

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i like this part of the post:"Then comes the startling conditional curse upon himself: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill!" The power of this oath is easier to feel than to explain. " is very good

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I do like this verse myself - If I forget Jerusalem I will forget my right arm... I am more familiar with this more simple translation! The city of Jerusalem must have been a true oasis of beauty and holiness those days.

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The song's message is still applicable to modern times. Such nice words.

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It starts with a bitter irony: their captors ask them to sing one of their native songs. The rhetorical question that follows-- "How shall we sing the Lord's song in a foreign land?"-- carries with it the subtle and profound thought of how joys are connected with one another: the song and the place are tied together.

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we must retain undimmed, as best we can, the visions of a joy that surpasses all understanding, with which all of us are sometimes visited, we must exalt that above all our joys in the world.

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From the paradox of earthly joys-- they seem as if they ought to endure forever, yet they are transient-- it deduces that earthly joys are like mirrors or moons, shining with the reflected light of a distant Sun of joy.

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This may sound like living for the sake of a dream, but the reverse comparison is more apt: the Beatific Vision is to us now like memories of times awake are to a sleeper when they filter into his dreams, for it is more real, not less, than what we take for reality-- as the Babylonian captivity was a mere episode, where the Jewish nation went on for 3,000 years.

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This is a pedantic way of saying that the singer does not trust himself; he is afraid he might forget Jerusalem, and wishes to bind himself.

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But there might be some things that one ought to refuse to accept, even to the extent that willing curses on one's probably-wayward future selves would not be disproportionate, though a greater Being than we may mercifully overrule them.

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This is a pedantic way of saying that the singer does not trust himself; he is afraid he might forget Jerusalem, and wishes to bind himself.

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And yet the Jews learned, in their long years of exile, to "sing the Lord's song in a foreign land."

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That is, we might think we were happy then because we were young, or in college, or drinking and partying, or learning, or in love with and loved by a particular person. But these are only conjectures, usually untestable.

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