I don't usually pay attention to Obama's speeches, but I did glance at Robert Reich's write-up of his Kansas speech. This makes me sick. Again and again, insistently, Obama tries to cultivate a victim complex in the middle class. The American middle class is super privileged by world or historical standards. It needs to understand that, be grateful, and ask what it can do to help the less fortunate. It needs to be the country's backbone, to some extent the world's backbone. It needs to stand on its own two feet. Obama is trying to turn middle-class people into a bunch of crybabies begging for government handouts. Handouts, if any, should be for the poor only. Anyone who says "I'm middle class" should be understood to be saying, "I don't need any special help from the government." Meanwhile, 400,000 people a year are being deported from this country. Despicable.
That blew me away! Now its understood.
Posted by: jobs in austin | December 14, 2011 at 06:51 PM
Impressive blog! -Arron
Posted by: rc helicopter reviews | December 21, 2011 at 02:50 AM