Some of Berman's analysis here may be unduly alarmist. I don't think, for example, that pro-Moscow ethnic Russians in the Baltic republics or elsewhere, except in Ukraine, are likely to prove too serious a strain on the civil constitutions and sovereignty of the countries they reside in. But on one point he is dead on ("The Death of 1989"):
4) The invasion of Georgia
shines an alarming light on the nature of political thinking within the
Russian leadership. The Russian leadership is conventionally seen as
conforming to a nineteenth-century notion of national interests,
together with a mid-twentieth-century style of ethnic solidarity. In
the controversy over the separatist regions of Georgia
, Russia
does face a matter of national interest, if national interest is
conceived in the geographical and ethnic styles of the nineteenth and
mid-twentieth century. Still, Russia
has other interests, too--regional peace and quiet, a continued healthy
business atmosphere, the assurance that catastrophic events will not
take place. These additional interests ought to outweigh the
geographical and ethnic ones, or so you might suppose. To shake up half
the world on behalf of two breakaway enclaves smaller even than
Schleswig-Holstein does not appear to make sense, in a conventional
calculation. And yet, the Russian leadership has decided otherwise.
Today, any time some large
group of people behaves in a way that defies a logical calculation of
potential gains and losses, the people in question are said to be
reacting to "humiliation," or what used to be called "ressentiment."
Humiliation, though, taken as a political experience, exists only where
it has been ideologically constructed, and not otherwise. Germany
having been defeated in World War I, was afterwards said to be
undergoing "humiliation"; and yet, after World War II, having been
defeated ten times more cruelly, Germany
was no longer said to be "humiliated." That was because the German
political doctrines promoting a feeling of "humiliation" disappeared
after World War II. It was the doctrines, not the experience of
misfortune, that had created "humiliation."
having been defeated in the Cold War, is said to be undergoing
"humiliation." But I think mostly the Russian leaders feel something
worse, which is fear. The Russian leaders picture their country in a
terrifyingly vulnerable position, not unlike how Israel
sees itself. Fear, not "humiliation," led Russia
to invade Georgia
fear of utter destruction facing their own country. Russian diplomats
have expressed this fear openly during the last few months. I have
heard them to do it--speaking aloud, with hot conviction, about an
"existential danger" to Russia
, posed by Georgia
And yet, their fear is entirely doctrinal--which is to say, imaginary. Russia
's situation is not, in fact, like Israel
's. No foreign power since the end of the Cold War has entertained a plan of attacking Russia
or destroying Russia
power and wealth. The Russian fear rests merely on a somewhat paranoid
interpretation of world events. Fears based on paranoid interpretations
cannot be assuaged. A tacit agreement by the rest of the world to allow
to conquer the breakaway regions of Georgia
and to install a puppet regime in Tbilisi
, and to do likewise in Ukraine
, and so forth, will not make the Russian leaders feel any less threatened.
do the Russians indulge such an interpretation? It is an archaism. The
mystery wrapped in an enigma is a bit of an antique. In any case, the
current dominance of this kind of thinking may suggest that Russia
is a shakier place than it appears to be. A stable Russia
would not have felt existentially threatened by its neighbors in tiny Georgia
, nor by NATO.
Exactly. Russia has no legitimate fears, at any rate not of the West. They may have legitimate fears of Islamic terrorism fused with ethnic separatists at home, and possibly, in the long run, of Chinese designs on Siberia. If they wanted either territorial security or economic prosperity the logical path would be to seek the best possible relations with the West and join NATO. But instead, Russian national consciousness is possessed by a sort of mass irrationality which sees the West as hostile merely because the West is more powerful and prestigious than Russia and they want "equal rights"; and this is mingled with a sort of post-socialist neo-Marxist leftism which owes a good deal, I think, to Bush Derangement Syndrome-influenced ideological evolutions within the west and the international left.
What is the link, for example, between John Kerry's characterizations of the Iraq War alliance as "the coalition of the coerced and the bribed," and the popular characterization of democratically-elected Bush ally Saakashvili as a "mercenary?" Coincidence or direct influence? Or co-causation?
Anyway, I think the postmodernly-fascist ideological brend in Russia which has just vomited itself into Georgia and shocked the world is more dangerous than anything else in the world today. Old Islamist-revolutionary Iran is tired of isolation and ready to be courted out of its sullen corner. China has little resentment; it is motivated by national interests in a substantive sense of economic prosperity, and may be inclined to engage in some resource imperialism. Even North Korea probably only wants a nuclear umbrella to keep Kim Jong-Il's personality cult safe.
Russia, on the other hand, is driven from within by vague and fantastical ideologies which, to date, are far from drowning out reason, but which may easily do so under the influence of the evil elation of "victory" in Georgia. It might fade, but it could very easily explode into something much worse. We need a complete geostrategic about-face to deal with this. Our strategy should be: appeasement on every front, in order to maximize pressure on Russia.
For starters, let's try to get a pipeline built from Iran to Europe, via Turkey, so the Western Europeans will be less dependent on Russian gas. I'd favor energetic peacemaking on every front: in Taiwan/China; in India/Pakistan/Kashmir; in Israel/Palestine; in Armenia/Azerbaijan. We need to strengthen the structural peace of the world to deny the Russians gaps to exploit-- or at least make every exertion to that end.
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